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Warning procedure


There are three ways to conclude a warning fine procedure:

  1. If you receive a warning, transfer the full amount within one week, stating the relevant reference number. By doing so, you agree to the warning and the matter is closed for you and the authority.
  2. If you do not respond to a warning, you will automatically receive a fine notice after the payment deadline has expired. (Link to the fine procedure) You will not receive a reminder. A warning is only sent once by ordinary post.
  3. If you do not agree with the warning, you can complain to the fines office. The fines office will then decide whether or not to discontinue the proceedings. If the proceedings are not discontinued, you will be issued with a fine without further notice. The issuing of the fine notice irrevocably concludes the fine proceedings. The proceedings are therefore automatically transferred from the warning fine proceedings to formal fine proceedings. (Link to fine proceedings).

A fine notice is always associated with higher costs. In addition to the warning fine, the fine notice includes additional fees and expenses of 28.50 euros.

If you were not driving the vehicle yourself, you can provide us with the driver's personal details. This person will then receive a new warning.

If the driver cannot be clearly identified from the information provided, the owner of the vehicle will be charged the costs of the proceedings for stopping and parking violations. The imposition of a logbook may also be considered.

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