Tax return for tradesmen and self-employed persons
As a trader/self-employed person, depending on the type and scope of the activity carried out, you must also submit a VAT return (see also the service description "VAT") and, if applicable, a trade tax return (see also the service description
"Assessing trade tax") in addition to the income tax return.
Basic information
Anyone who runs a business or is self-employed is obliged to submit an income tax return if the total income earned in the calendar year exceeds the respective basic tax-free allowance (2022 = €9,984 for single persons or €19,968 for spouses/partners).
In addition, anyone who is requested to do so by the tax office must always submit a tax return. Such a request will always be made for tradespeople/self-employed persons.
The income tax return must also be accompanied by a balance sheet with a profit and loss account or (if permitted) a so-called income surplus statement (EÜR annex).