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Submit a preliminary building application


You submit the preliminary building application in text form. Attach the required documents.

Submit the preliminary building application to the responsible lower building supervisory authority. If documents are missing or there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to rectify these obstacles to assessment. In this case, submit the missing or amended documents and/or the clarification.

The lower building supervisory authority will review your preliminary building application and involve those bodies whose involvement or consultation is required for the decision on the preliminary building application or without whose opinion the preliminary building application cannot be assessed. You will then receive the preliminary building permit. If you subsequently submit a building application for your building project, you refer to the preliminary building permit that has already been issued.

The preliminary building application is subject to a fee. You will receive a notification of fees. If necessary, the lower building supervisory authority will ask you to make an advance fee payment after the application has been submitted.

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