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State care allowance for blind and severely disabled people

The state care allowance for blind and severely disabled people is granted to compensate for handicap-related disadvantages. It is a lump-sum cash benefit.

Blind or severely disabled people who have their habitual residence in Bremen are entitled to financial support to compensate for disability-related disadvantages or additional needs. The state care allowance is paid as a monthly allowance and is independent of income and assets:

  • The state care allowance currently amounts to 517.61 euros per month.
  • Children under the age of 18 are entitled to a state care allowance of currently EUR 258.81 per month from the age of one.
  • Care insurance benefits are offset in full against the state care allowance. This can reduce or eliminate the entitlement to state care allowance.
  • The income and asset-dependent care and blindness assistance benefits in accordance with SGB XII can also be claimed if necessary. The state care allowance is offset in full or in part.


Persons are considered blind if their better eye has a visual acuity of no more than 2 percent or an equivalent limitation.

Severely disabled are the following persons:

  1. Persons with disabilities of the upper extremities equivalent to the loss of both hands (faint-handed) with a substantial handicap.
  2. Persons with loss of both arms in the area of the upper arms
  3. persons with loss of three limbs
  4. Persons with paralysis or other disabilities of movement, if the disabilities are equivalent to the loss of three limbs
  5. paraplegic people with paralysis of the bladder and rectum
  6. brain-damaged persons with severe physical and mental disorders and disabilities of use of several limbs
  7. other persons whose condition requiring permanent hospitalization or whose need for care is so exceptional that their disability is comparable to the disability of persons referred to in points 1 to 6.