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Show opening of a supplementary school

Here you can find out more about the notification of the establishment of supplementary schools.

The establishment of supplementary schools must be notified before teaching begins. The notification must contain precise information about the type of school, the structure of the lessons and the school's objective.


The application must be submitted to the Senator for Children and Education. The application can be submitted informally.

In accordance with § 4 of the Private Schools Act, private schools subject to approval or notification under this Act must have a name that identifies them as a private school. Incorrect or misleading names may not be used.

The establishment of supplementary schools must be notified to the Senator for Children and Education before teaching commences. The notification must contain precise information about the start of teaching, the type of school, the structure of teaching in accordance with § 14 Para. 1 Brem. Private Schools Act and with reference to § 14 para. 3 Brem. Private Schools Act and the educational objective.

What documents do I need?

  • Evidence

    Proof of the personal reliability of the provider, the director and the teaching staff (extended police clearance certificate).

  • Further information

    Display with precise details of the type of school, the start of lessons, the structure of the lessons and the school's objective.