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School Entrance Examination

The Bremen School Act obliges students to take part in a school medical examination when they start school.

When your child becomes of school age, he or she must take part in a school medical examination (school entry examination) before starting school. This examination is mandatory for all children. Its purpose is to determine the child's readiness for school, to advise parents regarding school enrollment, and to pass on any school-relevant support needs to the school.

The staff of the school medical service of the health office do not decide whether the child is enrolled in school or is deferred from school attendance.

A school entrance examination is also carried out in the case of early enrollment before the start of compulsory schooling.


  • Your child is of compulsory school age.
  • Your child is to be enrolled in school early.
  • Registration address in Bremen.
  • Children with disabilities can take part in the examination one year earlier upon request.

What documents do I need?

  • Doctor's or hospital reports
    • If available.