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Restaurant permit

According to § 2 para. 1 sentence 1 of the Bremisches Gaststättengesetz (BremGastG), a permit is required to operate a restaurant that serves alcohol.

A catering license entitles the holder to operate a restaurant that serves alcohol.

Anyone who serves drinks or food for consumption on the premises on a commercial basis is operating a restaurant. If the offer also includes alcoholic beverages, a permit is required in accordance with the Bremen Restaurant Act. The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation is responsible for issuing this permit.


The prerequisite for the granting of a permit is the personal reliability of the person submitting the application. The permit must be refused if facts justify the assumption that the person submitting the application does not possess the reliability required for the restaurant business.

What documents do I need?

  • Identity card or passport with a current registration certificate

    in the case of representation with written power of attorney: identity card or passport of the authorised representative, as well as a copy of the identity card of the principal

  • Certificate in tax matters of the tax office

    (to be applied for at the tax office of the place of residence)

  • Information from the insolvency court as to whether proceedings have been opened

    (to be applied for at the district court of the place of residence)

  • Certificate of good conduct in document type OG (for submission to an authority)

    (to be applied for at the local registration office responsible for your residence)

  • Extract from the list of debtors of the enforcement court

    The debtors' register can only be inspected online at Registration is necessary here. You will then receive a PIN by post, which you can use to start your search. The result of your query must be printed out and enclosed with your application.

  • Information from the central trade register in document type 9

    This can be applied for via the trade registration office. The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation -Commercial Affairs-, Katharinenklosterhof 3, 28195 Bremen should be specified as the recipient when applying.

    If a legal entity is planned as the operator, information for this legal entity and the entire management is required.

  • Completed application form (printout under Forms)
  • Important note for legal entities

    The extract from the Central Business Register, the certificate in tax matters, the extract from the debtors' register and the information from the insolvency court must be submitted both for the legal entity (e.g. GmbH, AG) and for the persons authorised to represent it by law, the articles of association or the partnership agreement (e.g. management, board of directors).

    In addition, an extract from the commercial register must be submitted.