Responsibilities in school supervision
Schule, Ausbildung und Studium
Partnerschaft und Familie
Basic information
The school supervisory board exercises technical, official and legal supervision over the schools. Within this framework
- supervises and is responsible for the quality and operation of schools
- advises the school management with the aim of promoting the independence of the school
- works towards goal- and result-oriented, verifiable work of the individual school through target and performance agreements
- it is the point of contact for all groups involved in the school. In the event of conflicts within the school, the school supervisory authority only intervenes if no solution can be found within the school.
- it intervenes if, for example, the principle of equal treatment of pupils or the educational rights of parents have been violated
- it can revoke school decisions and measures, reject them for a new decision or resolution or, if necessary, decide itself
All supervisory measures are designed in such a way that the participation of parents and pupils is safeguarded and supported.