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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Requesting the deletion of an entry in the legal services register

Requesting the deletion of an entry in the legal services register

If you wish to delete an entry in the legal services register, you must submit an application to do so. You can find out more here.

The data published in the legal services register must be deleted

  • in the case of registered persons, upon renunciation of registration
  • in the case of natural persons, upon their death
  • in the case of legal entities and companies without legal personality, upon their termination
  • in the case of persons whose registration has been withdrawn or revoked, when the decision becomes final
  • in the case of persons or associations who are prohibited from providing legal services pursuant to Section 9 (1) RDG (Legal Services Act), upon expiry of the period of prohibition
  • in the case of persons or companies pursuant to Section 15 RDG, upon expiry of one year after the temporary registration or its last extension
  • in the case of prohibition pursuant to Section 15 RDG, upon the prohibition becoming final.

Deletion shall be effected upon request.


  • You are currently registered in the legal services register.

What documents do I need?

  • None