Requesting information from the register of building encumbrances
Bauen und Wohnen
Bauen und Immobilien
You would like to request information about building encumbrances that are registered for a property.
Basic information
By submitting a written declaration to the lower building supervisory authority, a property owner can make a public-law obligation to do or refrain from doing something that affects their property (e.g. taking over spacing or parking spaces, joining properties). The declaration is entered as a building charge in the register of building charges. Anyone who can demonstrate a legitimate interest can inspect this register or have copies made.
The legitimate interest must be proven for the information, for example the buyer of the affected or neighboring property.
What documents do I need?
- The application can be made informally
- It is necessary to submit an extract from the land register or the current notice of land charges (the evidence must not be older than one year).