Request parcel division
Do you want to divide a property (parcel) into 2 or more properties (parcels) or have them divided?
Competent Department
- Landesamt GeoInformation Bremen
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Sebastian Horst
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Ulrich Eckardt
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Henning Schaefer
- Öffentlich bestellter Vermessungsingenieur Jan Wilhelm Schaefer
- Vermessungs- und Katasteramt Bremerhaven
Contact Person
Basic information
The decomposition survey serves the formation of new parcel boundaries and thus the creation of new parcels. The course of a new boundary depends on an existing property purchase contract or on the wishes of the owner or purchaser. Planning and building regulations (e.g. compliance with border distances) must be taken into account. The results of the surveying and marking out are made known to the parties involved at a subsequent surveying meeting.
Commissioning only by owners, purchasers, heritable building owners or notaries public