Request boundary determination and demarcation
- Bauen und Wohnen
- Bauen und Immobilien
- Written application (also possible via internet, e-mail or fax) by the applicant.
- Coordination of the measurement date by the State Office GeoInformation Bremen.
- Execution of the local measurement and notification of the date on site, possibly with a time delay.
- Notification to all parties not present by sending a copy of the document.
- Transfer of the surveying results into the real estate cadastre.
- Sending of the cost notification, in case of changes in the real estate cadastre sending of the change notifications.
Legal bases
- Gesetz über die Landesvermessung und das Liegenschaftskataster (Vermessungs- und Katastergesetz)
- Kostenverordnung für das amtliche Vermessungswesen und die Gutachterausschüsse für Grundstückswerte nach dem Baugesetzbuch (VermWertKostV)
More information
Indication of the parcels concerned: Naming of street and house number or cadastral designation, i.e. parcel and parcel number.