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Request a pension statement


If you would like to receive pension information by post:

  • Go to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung website and first click on "Online services" in the top right-hand corner.
  • Select "Online services without registration" or go directly to "Request insurance documents".
  • In the "Request from..." field, select "Pension information" and enter the remaining data.
  • Click on "Send".
  • You will receive your pension information by post.

If you would like to receive your pension information online:

  • Now go to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung website and click on "Online services" in the top right-hand corner and then on "Online services with registration".
  • Follow the instructions to gain access to the online services of the German Pension Insurance.
  • Alternatively, you can also request pension information by telephone or in writing from your pension insurance provider.

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Legal remedy: No legal remedy is provided.