You are here:
  • Dienstleistungen
  • Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis

Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis


You can register your domestic help online, in writing, by telephone, post or fax.

Online registration:

  • Go to and complete the form online.
  • Submit the form online.
  • You will receive a confirmation.
  • The Minijob-Zentrale will send you the SEPA direct debit mandate for signature and will automatically deduct the corresponding amount on the due dates.

Notification by post or fax:

  • Go to and download the relevant form.
  • Print out the form, fill it out, sign it and send it by post or fax to the Minijob-Zentrale.
  • The mini-job center will automatically deduct the corresponding amount on the due dates.

Alternatively, you can register your domestic help with the mini-job center by telephone.

Registration via Minijob Manager:

  • Once you have registered your domestic help, you will receive a company number.
  • You can use this to register with the Minijob-Manager on the Minijob-Zentrale website.
  • You can upload all future applications, certificates or notifications directly via the Minijob Manager.

Note: The pension insurance number for domestic help is issued by the German Statutory Pension Insurance. The number can be found on the domestic help's social security card. If this is not known, enter the employee's maiden name, date of birth, gender and place of birth in the household cheque. When you register a domestic help for the first time, you will receive a company number from the Minijob-Zentrale as the employer. This is also valid for all subsequent registrations and for further employment. You should keep the company number in a safe place.

Legal bases

More information

If you do not report the employment to the mini-job center, this is an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine of up to EUR 5,000.
You can use the contact form to send your message and attachments via secure data transmission. This protects you from unauthorized access.

Legal remedy


  • Further information on how to lodge an objection can be found in the notification.