Reimbursement of overpaid pension insurance contributions by the artists' social security fund
Steuern und Abgaben
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
If you pay too much into your pension insurance, you will receive a refund.
Basic information
Your total pension insurance contribution will be paid to the German Pension Insurance if you are subject to pension insurance via the Artists' Social Insurance Fund (KSK).
The basis for calculating your pension contribution is the expected income from your self-employed artistic or journalistic work. You report this anticipated income to the Künstlersozialkasse. Your income is only included in the calculation of your contributions up to the so-called contribution assessment ceiling.
No contributions may be paid into the statutory pension insurance scheme above the contribution assessment ceiling.
If you pay contributions into the statutory pension insurance scheme from different insurance relationships, this may result in an overpayment. This means that you pay more than the contribution assessment ceiling actually allows. In this case, the overpayment will be settled retrospectively:
- Your earnings are reduced proportionately and
- You receive a refund of your overpaid contributions.
You will receive a refund of your overpaid pension insurance contributions if:
- you have paid pension insurance contributions via the Künstlersozialkasse for the relevant year and
- you have paid more than the maximum contribution in total by paying additional pension insurance contributions.
What documents do I need?
- Completed online application or informal application
- If available, a current insurance history from Deutsche Rentenversicherung or other documents from your pension insurance provider regarding the overpayment of contributions