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Registration for the transition to the Gymnasiale Oberstufe


Regardless of the first or second choice of school, the registration form must be submitted to the public lower secondary school currently being attended. Students who wish to select the HIGHSEA profile in Bremerhaven should submit the application form directly to the Alfred Wegener Institute (Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven). Applicants who are currently attending a private school or are not currently attending a school in Bremerhaven should hand in the application form directly to the first school they have chosen.

Please note that each student may only submit one application form for the admission procedure. Only the double-qualifying courses of education are an exception here: in addition to the application for one of the two double-qualifying courses of education - which must be submitted directly to the upper secondary school center in Utbremen - it is also possible to apply to a Gymnasiale Oberstufe or a Berufliches Gymnasium.

The admission procedure will be carried out at the schools until the Easter vacations. All students will then receive a letter of admission.

Pupils who wish to attend the Gymnasiale Oberstufe at their previous school or at a school assigned to it will receive a school place there with their first choice - however, they are not entitled to take all the subjects they wish.

Note for students from Lower Saxony:

Pupils who are resident in Lower Saxony can be admitted to a Gymnasiale Oberstufe, a Berufliches Gymnasium or a double-qualifying course of education in Bremen if they have previously obtained the Extended Secondary Certificate I and have a so-called declaration of exemption from the state school authority responsible for their place of residence in Lower Saxony. For pupils who live in the old district of Wesermünde and wish to attend a school in Bremerhaven, no declaration of exemption is required. The registration form and the declaration of exemption must be submitted directly to the selected school.

Applicants who do not have their primary residence in the state of Bremen and are therefore not subject to compulsory schooling in the state of Bremen will be given lower priority than applicants from Bremen, subject to available capacity. In principle, there is no entitlement to admission.

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