Registering health care proxies and advance care directives in the central register of health care proxies
Sterbefall und Nachlass
Ausweise und Dokumente
Altersvorsorge und Ruhestand
If you have set up a power of attorney and/or a care directive, you should register it in the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney of the Federal Chamber of Notaries.
Basic information
A health care proxy and/or care directive can only be effective if it can be found in an emergency.
In an emergency, the registered details can be retrieved by care courts around the clock via secure online access. If an emergency situation arises very suddenly and you are no longer able to make a statement, the care court can clarify whether there is a power of attorney or a care directive and - if you have provided details - where the document is kept. This can prevent legal guardianship from being ordered.
You can register the following data electronically in the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney of the Federal Chamber of Notaries:
- Data of the principal or the person making the power of attorney
- Data of the authorized representative or the proposed guardian
- Date on which the deed was drawn up
- Storage location of the document
- Details of the purpose for which the power of attorney was granted or the care directive was drawn up
- Information on special instructions and wishes, including whether a living will has also been drawn up
Please note that the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney does not keep the document (nor the copy) in which the power of attorney or the advance care directive is contained.
When you make a new entry, you will receive a personal ZVR card in addition to the registration confirmation. On this card, you can note the name of the principal as well as the names and telephone numbers of up to two trusted persons.
You can change, add to or delete entries in the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney at any time.
Institutional users of the register (e.g. notaries, lawyers, care associations or care authorities registered with the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney) are subject to special conditions for registration with the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney. For example, if you have had your power of attorney and/or care directive notarized by a notary, they can also register it. The notary will not receive any fees for the registration and will only charge you the lower registration fee in addition to the notarization fee.
You must have drawn up a health care proxy or a care directive.
What documents do I need?
- Data form for private individuals
- If there are several authorized representatives or proposed guardians: Additional sheet for authorized representatives/guardians for private individuals