Register residence, move from within the country (sole, main or secondary residence)
Bauen und Wohnen
Please note that you can also use our online service for the desired service. You will find the link under "Further information" - Online service".
Please note that we release appointments at short notice for all BürgerServiceCenters between 7 and 9 a.m. every day. If you are unable to find a suitable appointment, please check this page again during this time slot.
Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office at their place of residence within two weeks of moving in.
Basic information
Registration must take place within two weeks of moving into the (new) apartment at one of the BürgerService facilities of the Bürgeramt. An adult family member can register the entire family. Please note that different forms are offered for the registration of families or the registration of individuals. The form for the registration of individuals must also be used by persons moving together but not married to each other or living in a same-sex registered partnership.
Registration via the Internet is not possible.
What documents do I need?
- Proof of identity
e.g.: identity card or (child) passport
- Form: Registration with a registration office
Available at the registration office or for download under "Forms".
- Form: Confirmation of accommodation provider
Available at the registration office or for download under "Forms".
- only in case of moving in with a secondary residence: form "Erklärung zur Bestimmung der Hauptwohnung" (declaration on the determination of the main residence)
Available at the registration office or for download under "Forms".