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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Register for the online portal of the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt)

Register for the online portal of the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt)


Before registration:

Apply in advance for an individual BZSt number and the so-called secret value:

  • Visit the homepage of the Federal Central Tax Office on the Internet:
  • Click on one of the following tabs as required:
  • Private individual
  • Company
  • Select the relevant section for your request and click on the sub-item "Electronic data transmission".
  • Fill in the form linked there with the necessary information and declarations and click on "Send".
  • If your details are complete, you will receive a letter with your personal BZSt number and an e-mail with the secret value in the following days.

Certificate file registration process:

If you have opted for the login version using a certificate file on the BOP, you can register as follows:

  • Visit the BOP website and click on "Create user account" on the start page.
  • You will automatically be taken to the "Create account - how it works" subpage, where you will see an overview of the registration process and will be guided through the rest of the process.
  • On the following page, select your preferred login option
  • for most users, the recommended selection option "Certificate file" is the best choice.
  • Enter your personal data and the BZSt number you applied for in advance in the following online form.
  • Under the heading "Shared secret" in the drop-down list, select the entry "BZSt secret", enter your personal secret and confirm it.
  • Enter a user name and answer a security question of your choice.
  • Finally, check the data you have entered and send it if it is correct.
  • After sending the data, you will receive a first e-mail to verify your e-mail inbox, which you must confirm receipt of.
  • After successful confirmation, you will receive a second e-mail with an activation ID and an activation code by post.
  • After receiving this second e-mail and the letter, click on the link in the second e-mail or go to "My user account" on the "BOP" homepage and then to "Activate user account".
  • Then click on "Certificate file" under the heading "Registration".
  • Enter the personal activation ID from the e-mail and the activation code from the letter and click on "Send".
  • In the next step, assign a personal password for the use of your personal certificate file. You will use this PIN to log in to the BOP in future. If you lose your PIN, you will have to register again.
  • Finally, you will receive a certificate file with the extension ".pfx" to download, which you can save on your computer.
  • You have now successfully created a BOP user account with which you can submit your applications and declarations to the BZSt electronically and without a signature.
  • To complete the registration process, log in to the portal for the first time with your login details and the certificate file and complete your profile.

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