Register for social insurance for self-employed artists or journalists
You must register with the Künstlersozialkasse in writing or verbally:
- You can download the questionnaire for checking the insurance obligation for artists and publicists, completion instructions and information leaflets from the KSK website. Please fill it in and send it to the KSK.
- You will receive an unsolicited confirmation from the KSK that your documents have been received.
- If all insurance requirements are met, the KSK will issue a notice of assessment. The KSK will register you with the statutory health or long-term care insurance fund of your choice and with the data office of the pension insurance provider.
- Compulsory insurance under the Artists' Social Insurance Act begins on the day on which the application is received by the KSK. If you are incapacitated for work at the time you register with the KSK, compulsory insurance only begins when you are able to work again.
- The insurance obligation ends on the day on which you give up your self-employed artistic or journalistic activity. You are therefore obliged to inform the KSK immediately of any change in your activities.
Legal bases
- §§ 1 bis 9 Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz (KSVG)
- § 10a Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz (KSVG)
- § 11 Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz (KSVG)
- § 12 Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz (KSVG)
More information
- You can insure an earlier entitlement to sickness benefit with your health insurance fund via an optional tariff. For further information, please contact your health insurance fund directly.
- If you regularly commission other self-employed artists and publicists, you may also be obliged to pay social security contributions for artists under certain conditions.
- You are self-employed as an artist or publicist on a commercial basis and not just temporarily. You may not employ more than one person in connection with your artistic or journalistic activities. Exception: trainees and marginally employed persons
- The income from your self-employed artistic or journalistic activity must be higher than EUR 3,900 per year, with exceptions for young professionals.