Register as election worker
Wahlen, Engagement und Beteiligung
What do you actually do on Sundays? Do you sleep in, have a hearty breakfast and then, depending on the weather, go out into the countryside or stay at home? At least on election Sundays, you can also do something completely different. You can actively participate in the elections as an election worker and thus make an important contribution to our democracy!
Basic information
The tasks of the volunteer election workers include, for example:
- Verification of eligibility to vote on the basis of the electoral roll
- Handing out the ballot papers
- Release of the ballot box for the insertion of the ballot paper
- Determination of the election result
Election workers must perform their duties impartially (e.g. they may not wear any sign indicating their own political convictions) and are obliged to maintain secrecy about matters that become known to them in the course of their official duties.
To prepare them for their work, election workers receive detailed information material and training.
Refreshment money
Election workers receive a refreshment allowance for their work. The amount of the refreshment money varies depending on the effort and responsibility. A concrete description of the refreshment allowance will be published on shortly before the respective election.
Polling assistants who are members of the election committee must themselves be eligible to vote in the relevant election.
In the elections to the Bremen Parliament and the election of the advisory councils in the area of the City of Bremen, the requirements are
- German citizenship
- Completion of the 16th year of age
- have had their main place of residence in the state of Bremen for at least three months (election to the Bremen Parliament) or in the area of the city of Bremen (election to the advisory councils)
For elections to the German Bundestag, the requirements are
- German citizenship
- Completion of the 18th year of age
- Have lived in Germany for at least 3 months or usually reside there
For elections to the European Parliament, the requirements are
- German citizenship or citizenship of a member state of the European Union
- Have reached the age of 16
- Have lived or usually reside in Germany or another member state of the European Union for at least 3 months
The work as an election assistant is voluntary. In principle, every person entitled to vote is obliged to take on voluntary work. It may only be refused for important reasons. In the following cases, for example, there is the right to refuse to act as a poll worker:
- you have reached the age of 65 on election day
- it can be credibly demonstrated that caring for the family makes it particularly difficult to exercise the office
- the office cannot be exercised due to illness, disability, urgent professional or other important reasons.
The existence of an important reason must be proven.
The following may not be appointed
- Candidates for election
- Representatives of the election proposals
- Members of other electoral bodies