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Reduced local transport ticket / StadtTicket Bremen

You live in the city of Bremen and receive

  • Basic benefits for the unemployed (SGB II),
  • Social assistance (Chapter 3 SGB XII - Assistance for living expenses and Chapter 4 SGB XII - Basic security in old age or in the event of reduced earning capacity)
  • Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG) or
  • Benefits according to § 6b BKGG - education and participation for recipients of child supplement

Then you are entitled to use a discounted monthly ticket for local public transport on the VBN network in the municipality of Bremen.

The social centers of the Office for Social Services Bremen will check whether the customer card for the purchase of the StadtTicket can be issued. Customers of the Bremen Jobcenter must provide proof of their benefit entitlement. Please note the general information sheet " Information on the StadtTicket Bremen from 01.03.2016" and the current information below on the StadtTicket Bremen for the period from 01.01.2022 - 31.03.2022.

The reduced local transport ticket / StadtTicket at a price of 29.70 euros per month for adults and free for children and young people entitles the holder to use all buses, streetcars and regional trains on the VBN network in the municipality of Bremen.

The StadtTicket Bremen for adults is only valid together with a customer card. The number of the customer card must be transferred to the StadtTicket.

For children and young people aged 6 - under 18, a special Youth CityTicket is issued by BSAG on application. The applications are available at the social centers of the Office for Social Services and must be filled out, signed by the legal guardian and accompanied by a passport photo. After checking and confirming eligibility, the applications are sent to BSAG. Once the ticket has been issued, it will be sent by post.


Persons who are entitled to purchase a reduced local transport ticket are

  • Basic income support for jobseekers (SGB II)
  • Social assistance (Chapter 3 SGB XII - Assistance with living expenses and Chapter 4 SGB XII - Basic security in old age or in the event of reduced earning capacity)
  • receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, or
  • Benefits according to § 6b BKGG - education and participation for recipients of child supplement

What documents do I need?

  • Identity card or passport
  • Passport photo

    according to the photo sample board

  • Bremen Pass or other proof of entitlement to benefits
  • Proof of arrival or residence document

    with refugees