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Recognition of a private vocational school

A supplementary school that provides an education or training in which there is a public interest may be granted the status of a recognized supplementary school.

The recognition of a supplementary school in Bremen requires state recognition or approval.

Private schools are all schools that are not run by the state of Bremen or a municipality.

Private schools cooperate with state schools in the fulfillment of the public educational mandate within the framework set by the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the constitution of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. They complement and enrich the public school system with special contents and forms of education and teaching.


Supplementary schools are schools that provide education or training in which there is a public interest.

They may be granted the status of a recognized supplementary school if the teaching, the facilities of the school, the professional skills of its staff and the economic situation of the sponsor are suitable for achieving the educational or training objective pursued by the school.

Private supplementary schools must be notified to the Senator for Children and Education before teaching begins.

Upon application, a supplementary vocational school is granted the status of a recognized supplementary school if it provides training for a specific profession. Teaching must then be provided in accordance with state-approved training regulations. Recognition entitles the school to hold examinations in accordance with state-approved regulations.