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Recognition as a psychosocial guardian ad litem in Bremen

We offer an online form because of the current corona virus, with which you can communicate with us safely and reliably.
It only offers the most important functions.

to the simplified online form


Send an e-mail with your data, your request and your documents (scanned) to

Your request will be reviewed by the responsible office and you will receive a message about the result of the review.

If documents or information are required, you will be asked to submit them.

Legal bases

More information

Upon recognition, the obligations listed in § 6 BremAGPsychPbG apply to you. In particular, you are obliged to inform the Senator for Justice and Constitution as the competent body if a requirement for recognition no longer applies.

In accordance with § 3 (3), (4) and (5) PsychPbG, you must continue to ensure on your own responsibility that you

  • have the necessary personal qualifications. These include, in particular, counseling skills, communication and cooperation skills, the ability to deal with conflict, the ability to work under pressure, and organizational skills
  • have knowledge of the on-site assistance available for injured persons
  • undergo further training on a regular basis.