Recognition as a psychosocial guardian ad litem in Bremen
Send an e-mail with your data, your request and your documents (scanned) to
Your request will be reviewed by the responsible office and you will receive a message about the result of the review.
If documents or information are required, you will be asked to submit them.
Legal bases
- Gesetz über die psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung im Strafverfahren (PsychPbG) vom 21.12.2015 (BGBl I 2015, 2525, 2529)
- Bremisches Gesetz zur Ausführung des Gesetzes über die psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung im Strafverfahren (BremAGPsychPbG)
- Verordnung zum Bremischen Gesetz zur Ausführung des Gesetzes über die psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung im Strafverfahren
More information
Upon recognition, the obligations listed in § 6 BremAGPsychPbG apply to you. In particular, you are obliged to inform the Senator for Justice and Constitution as the competent body if a requirement for recognition no longer applies.
In accordance with § 3 (3), (4) and (5) PsychPbG, you must continue to ensure on your own responsibility that you
- have the necessary personal qualifications. These include, in particular, counseling skills, communication and cooperation skills, the ability to deal with conflict, the ability to work under pressure, and organizational skills
- have knowledge of the on-site assistance available for injured persons
- undergo further training on a regular basis.