Receive tax identification number
- Lebenslagen für Bürgerinnen und Bürger
As a citizen in Germany, you will automatically receive a tax identification number. You can request a new one online if you lose it.
Basic information
The tax identification number is used to identify the taxpayer in the taxation process. It means that tax returns, notifications and correspondence can always be clearly assigned to the respective taxpayer.
The tax identification number is an 11-digit "non-speaking number". This means that neither personal data nor the responsible tax office can be read from it.
Every newborn child and all new citizens are automatically assigned a tax identification number when they first register in Germany. It remains valid for life and does not change when you move house or get married.
You will usually also find your tax identification number
- in your income tax assessment notice,
- on your income tax statement.
You can request your tax identification number via the input form of the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) if
- within 3 months of your first registration in Germany
- you have not yet received a tax identification number for your newborn child within 3 months of the birth
have not yet received a letter with the tax identification number.
For data protection reasons, it is not possible to notify us by telephone or e-mail.
All taxable persons in Germany receive a tax identification number.
What documents do I need?
- No documents need to be submitted