Receipt of food and feed of animal origin and certain products of non-animal origin
The border inspection posts in Bremerhaven and Bremen are responsible for the incoming inspection of food and animal feed of animal and not of animal origin from third countries.
After a satisfactory incoming inspection , the consignments can be submitted to a customs procedure .
Competent Department
Contact Person
Basic information
The work of the border inspection post serves to
protect EU member states from the introduction of animal diseases from other countries
Protection of consumers from health hazards which can emanate from foodstuffs
Protection of humans and animals from harmful feedstuffs
Creation of a GGED P ( Common Health Entry Document) for consignments of animal origin or a GGED D ( Common Health Entry Document) for food and feed of non-animal origin.
What documents do I need?
- Registration form GGEDP or GGEDD for food and feed of animal or plant origin
GGED P = Common Health Entry Document (animal) / GGED D = Common Health Entry Document (plant)
- Health certificate from the third country, if applicable
- Certificate of laboratory tests carried out, if applicable
- Bill of Lading