Quality control of bathing waters in Bremen
Umwelt und Klima
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
During the bathing season, the water quality and temperature of Bremen's bathing waters are regularly surveyed and the measured values are made available for you.
Basic information
In Bremen, there are 10 official bathing lakes and one bathing site on the Weser River. The Department of the Environment in the Senate Department for the Environment, Building and Transport examines their water quality in close cooperation with the Health Department during the bathing season from May to September . The temperature of the bathing waters is measured weekly. In addition, the waters are examined monthly for the presence of microbiological contamination, the presence of other organisms or waste. These contaminants can affect bathing water quality and pose a risk to bathers' health. The measured values, as well as information about possible health hazards and current water temperatures, are made available to citizens in a variety of ways. The current values
- are published on the Internet
- are available via the telephone announcement service 0421 - 3615500
- and are sent by e-mail to subscribers of the "Bathing Water E-mail Info Service" (see Online Service).
If the measured values indicate that a health hazard cannot be ruled out at a bathing site, the Senate Department for the Environment, Building and Transport, in coordination with the Bremen Health Department, puts up warning signs at the bathing sites. If necessary, a bathing ban will be issued.