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Over-the-counter medicines


Trade in over-the-counter medicinal products can be notified using the attached form. The notification must state the type of activity and the business premises; if medicinal products are collected, details of the type of collection and the storage location must be provided. In addition to the notification form, we require a scan/copy of your certificate of competence.

You are welcome to send us the documents by e-mail.

According to § 64 AMG, establishments and facilities in which medicinal products are manufactured, tested, stored, packaged or placed on the market, or in which they are otherwise traded, are subject to supervision by the competent authority. The competent authority must therefore satisfy itself that the regulations on the marketing of medicinal products, on advertising in the field of medicine and on pharmacy are being observed.

The Bremen Regulatory Authority therefore intends to carry out regular inspections at your premises and will, if necessary, have any pharmaceutical items officially inspected.

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