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Online - Saisonkennzeichen

Please note that you can also use our online service for the desired service. You will find the link under "Further information" - Online service".

Seasonal license plates are intended, for example, for vehicles such as motorcycles, convertibles or motorhomes that are only used at certain times of the year. Their owners or keepers can thus save themselves frequent registration and deregistration.

A combination of H license plates and seasonal license plates has been possible since 01.10.2017.

When registering the vehicle, the period of time (at least two to a maximum of eleven months per year) during which the vehicle is to be used (operating period) is specified once. Outside the operating period, the vehicle must be kept away from public roads and places, i.e. on private property (e.g. in a garage).

The change from a "normal license plate" to a "seasonal license plate" can be applied for at any time.

A combination of H license plate and seasonal license plate is possible since 01.10.2017.

The operating period is indicated on the right edge of the license plate (e.g. 05/11 - written as a fraction - means that the vehicle may be used from May to November). The insurance coverage and the obligation to pay contributions are suspended in the period outside the operating period.

If the seasonal period is changed, a new insurance confirmation must be submitted.


  • no overdue fees and expenses from previous registration processes.
    In the case of payment arrears, the registration authority may not register the vehicle until these have been settled.
  • No motor vehicle tax arrears (including ancillary tax payments, e.g. interest, late payment surcharges).
    Motor vehicle tax accounts are verified by the registration authority as part of the processing of the registration application. In the event of tax arrears, the registration authority may not register the vehicle until these have been settled.
  • Written direct debit authorization for the collection of vehicle tax.

Important: This is a service under municipal jurisdiction. Therefore, you can only go to a service that is located in your place of residence.

What documents do I need?

  • Valid identity card, passport or electronic residence permit (eAT) as well as the original national passport of the vehicle owner applying for the permit
  • in case of representation with written power of attorney

    Additionally: identity card or passport of the authorized person

  • Registration certificate part I (formerly: vehicle registration document)
  • Registration certificate part II (formerly: vehicle registration document)

    If the ZB II is in the possession of a third party, it must be sent to the licensing authority. Only when the document is available to the authority can the change be made.
    After completion, the document is returned to the sender.

  • License plates

    for registered vehicles

  • electronic insurance confirmation (eVB)
  • Direct debit authorisation for motor vehicle tax (SEPA Direct Debit Mandate)
  • valid test report on a general inspection


  • external licence plates

    in the case of registered vehicles which are not registered in Bremen or Bremerhaven at the time of their registration there

  • if registered to companies

    - Current and valid business registration and, if available, current and valid excerpt from the commercial register (also as a copy)
    - Power of attorney, if the person authorized to dispose does not personally submit the application on site