Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes in legal circumstances
Steuern und Abgaben
Geschäftsauflösung und Unternehmensübergang
Arbeitgeber sein
If the legal circumstances of your company change, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse. The change may affect your obligation to pay contributions.
Basic information
The Künstlersozialkasse determines your company's obligation to pay the levy and calculates the amount of the artists' social security contribution.
If your legal circumstances change, the Künstlersozialkasse must check whether this change affects your current or future obligation to pay the levy.
Changes in the legal circumstances are, for example
- Change of legal form
- Transfer of the company to another person
- Inclusion or departure of a person involved in the company
- Transfer of company shares to another person
- Transformation by merger, demerger, transfer of assets or change of legal form to another or additional company
- Dissolution of the company
- Your company is already registered with the Künstlersozialkasse.
- The legal circumstances of your company have changed, e.g. company name, legal form, shareholder or proprietor.
- The change has already been completed, for example by registration with the relevant registry court or trade office.
What documents do I need?
- Change notification basic data
- Extract from the commercial register (if applicable and available)
- Extract from the register of associations (if applicable and available)
- Extract from the register of cooperatives (if applicable and available)
- Extract from the partnership register (if applicable and available)
- Re-registration with the trade register (if applicable and available)
- Deregistration from the trade register if applicable and available
- Amended articles of association (if applicable and available)
- If you are unable to provide any of these documents, please contact the Künstlersozialkasse to find out which documents you need to submit.