Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of a change in your professional situation
Steuern und Abgaben
Gesundheit und Vorsorge
If you are not only self-employed as an artist or journalist, but also carry out other activities or receive social benefits, you must report this to the Künstlersozialkasse.
Basic information
As a person who is self-employed as an artist or journalist, you are generally subject to statutory pension, health and long-term care insurance via the artists' social insurance scheme.
However, this only applies if there are no specific exceptions or if you are insured elsewhere with priority. If there is a fundamental change in your professional situation, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) immediately.
Examples of professional circumstances that may have an impact on your existing obligation to be insured with the KSK:
- dependent employment
- Unemployment benefit payments
- Other self-employed activities or commercial income
- shareholdings in companies
- Activities in agriculture
- commencement of studies
- Federal voluntary service / military service
In addition, there are other professional circumstances that affect the insurance relationship in the artists' social insurance.
For detailed advice, please contact the KSK directly.
- In principle, you must be subject to compulsory social insurance for artists or be entitled to a subsidy.
- You must also, for example
- taken up, terminated or extended dependent employment,
- received an approval, extension, suspension or termination of unemployment benefit or unemployment benefit II,
- started or ended another self-employed activity above the marginal earnings threshold,
- started or ended work as a farmer or craftsman,
- enrolled or exmatriculated as a student,
- taken up or terminated employment as a civil servant,
- started a prison sentence,
- started or ended an activity as part of the Federal Voluntary Service/Military Service.
What documents do I need?
- Depending on the type of change
- Follow the instructions on the respective notification form