Nominate short films for the German Short Film Award
Finanzierung und Förderung
If you are eligible to nominate, you can nominate a short film for the German Short Film Award once a year.
Basic information
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) awards the German Short Film Prize annually. The German Short Film Prize is awarded in 5 categories:
- Feature film up to 10 minutes running time
- Feature film with a running time of more than 10 minutes and up to 30 minutes
- Animated film up to 30 minutes running time
- Experimental film up to 30 minutes running time
- Documentary film up to 30 minutes running time
In addition, the BKM awards a prize for medium-length films with a running time of more than 30 minutes and up to 78 minutes.
Short films selected by the juries will receive a (funding) award:
- nominated short films: EUR 15,000
- Award-winning short films: EUR 30,000
- films awarded the special prize: EUR 20,000
Those who receive the award must use the (funding) premiums for the production or project preparation/project development of a new film.
Please submit your proposal for the German Short Film Award to the Film Division K 35 at the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
Proposals for an award may be submitted by
- German film associations and institutions, for example (non-exhaustive list):
- German film schools
- (Short) film festivals of supra-regional importance
- (Short) film distributors
- AG Kurzfilm
- AG Animated Film
- Short Film Agency Hamburg e.V.
- interfilm Berlin
- State sponsors
- Association of German Screenwriters e.V.
Further requirements:
- the proposed film must have been completed in the year of the award ceremony or the year before
- the proposed film must have a significant German cultural influence:
- the original language of the film is German or
- the film must have been directed by one person
- with German citizenship or residence in Germany with citizenship of an EU member state or
- a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or
- Switzerland
- and at least one producer
- has German citizenship or resides in Germany and is a citizen of an EU Member State or
- a state party to the Agreement on the EEA or
- Switzerland
- the financial share of the manufacturers based or established in Germany must be at least as large as the largest foreign manufacturer's share, if any, added together
- the film must be presented in a German language version or as a German subtitled version suitable for theatrical screening
- the film must not have participated in the selection process for the German Short Film Award in the past
- a certificate from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) confirming the fulfillment of general film-related requirements in accordance with the provisions of the German Film Funding Act (FFG) has been submitted
- FSK approval (Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry) is available
- the film may be shown to the jury
- the film may be screened as part of the German Short Film Award ceremony
- excerpts of the film may be shown on television and for public relations purposes
- the film may be presented in excerpts and/or via film stills on the relevant BKM and German Short Film Award websites and the associated social media sites
- the film may be shown on a cinema tour in selected German cities
What documents do I need?
- You must submit the proposal as the body authorized to make proposals:
- Declaration of rights by the producer or the person holding the rights
- Proposed film uploaded to the platform assigned by BKM
- Certificate from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) on the fulfillment of general film-related requirements in accordance with the provisions of the German Film Funding Act (FFG)
- FSK approval (Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry)