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Are you a foreigner and have been living in Germany for some time? Then you can become a German citizen under certain conditions.

On 19 January 2024, the German Bundestag passed the Act on the Modernization of Citizenship Law. Among other things, the law provides for a reduction in the required period of residence in Germany from 8 to 5 years and the general acceptance of multiple citizenship. The law comes into force on 27.06.2024. Until it comes into force, naturalizations will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current Citizenship Act:

Please refrain from making inquiries about the new legislation at the moment.

Information on the reform of the Citizenship Act can be found under "Further information" - "Where can I find out more?" - "Questions and answers: Reform of the Citizenship Act".

Fortunately, more and more foreign citizens are deciding to apply for German citizenship. Unfortunately, the increasing number of applications also leads to longer processing times.
Applications from the 2nd quarter of 2022 are currently being processed. As soon as your application is in the final processing stage, we will contact you.

Please note that, for reasons of equal treatment, naturalization applications are always processed according to the date of receipt.

With naturalization you receive German citizenship and become an equal citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany with all rights and obligations.

With German citizenship you can, among other things

  • exercise your right to vote in the federal states and for the German Bundestag,
  • enjoy freedom of movement within the European Union as a citizen of the Union,
  • travel outside Europe to many countries without a visa.

If you meet the requirements, you can apply for German citizenship through naturalization.


To obtain German citizenship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You reside in Bremen.
  • You have 8 years of domestic residence.
  • Your identity and citizenship have been clarified.
  • You are committed to the Basic Law.
  • You are in possession of a permanent residence permit.
  • You do not receive unemployment benefit II or social welfare.
  • You are willing to give up your citizenship.
  • You have no criminal record.
  • You have sufficient knowledge of the German language.
  • You have basic knowledge of the legal and social system and living conditions in Germany.
  • You fit into the German living conditions.

With the so-called "Quick Check" you have the opportunity to check without obligation whether you meet the requirements for naturalization. The "Quick-Check" is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sports and Integration. You can find the "Quick-Check" under "Further Information".

Exceptions to the listed requirements are possible under certain circumstances. For further information, please refer to the FAQ section. You are also welcome to contact the naturalization authority for further clarification.

What documents do I need?

  • The application form describes which documents are usually required in your life situation.

    Naturalization requires the submission of a variety of documents.

    Which documents must be submitted depends on your personal life situation.