Marriage: Applying for a certificate of no impediment to marriage
Partnerschaft und Familie
Ausweise und Dokumente
We would like to get married abroad.
Basic information
With the certificate of marriageability, the issuing registry office certifies that there are no legal impediments to the marriage of the two persons listed on the certificate of marriageability under German law.
For this reason, documents from both fiancées are required (even if they are resident abroad). A certificate of no impediment to marriage is only required if the foreign state demands this. Information can be obtained from the respective diplomatic missions abroad. The registry office in whose district the applicant resides or, if residing abroad, in whose district the applicant last resided in Germany, is responsible for issuing the certificate of no impediment to marriage. Documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by translations prepared by a translator recognized in Germany.
What documents do I need?
- Valid identity card or passport
- Birth certificate (if born abroad)
- current, certified copy of the birth register (at birth in Germany)
- Proof of prehensile strength and its dissolution
- Extended registration certificate from the competent registration office indicating marital status and nationality
available from the competent registration office (also in case of residence abroad)
If you are registered in Bremen and there is no information block on your registration office data, you do not need to present a registration certificate
- for foreign nationals: proof of marital status (certificate of family status)
Important: Foreign documents may have to be legalised or provided with an apostille by the German representation in the issuing country (information on this can be obtained from the registry office).