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Land registry - cancellation of rights in the land register

What deadlines must be paid attention to?

A right limited to the lifetime of an entitled person(s) may be extinguished only after the expiration of one year after his/her death, if it is possible (even theoretically) that the land owner(s) is/are in arrears with payments to the entitled person(s).

What are the costs?

25,00 EUR A fixed fee of 25 euros is charged for the cancellation of a right in the Second Section of the Land Register.
For the deletion of a right in the Third Section of the land register, a 0.5 fee is charged according to the fee table B of the GNotKG based on the value of the right to be deleted.

Land charge in the amount of 100,000 euros - fee: 136.50 euros
Land charge in the amount of 200,000 euros - fee: 217.50 euros