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Integration aid for disabled people

If you have a permanent disability or are at risk of such a disability, you may be able to apply for integration assistance.

Section 53 of the German Social Code XII regulates the entitlement of people with disabilities or at risk of disability to integration assistance. Integration assistance for people with disabilities is a social welfare benefit (Social Code XII) that aims to integrate people with disabilities into society and enable them to lead a largely independent life. Integration assistance benefits are

  • Medical rehabilitation services
  • Services for participation in working life
  • Services in recognized workshops for people with disabilities
  • Services for participation in life in the community
  • Assistance with an appropriate school education. These services are provided directly by the school that the child attends. Applications can be made directly to the school.
  • Help with school education for an appropriate occupation, including attending a university
  • Help with training for another appropriate occupation

Follow-up assistance to ensure the effectiveness of medical and medically prescribed measures and to ensure the disabled person's participation in working life.


The group of persons entitled to benefits includes both disabled persons and persons at risk of disability. Persons who are substantially limited in their ability to participate in society as a result of a disability or who are threatened by such a substantial disability are entitled to benefits from integration assistance (Section 2 (1) sentence 1 of Social Code IX).

Disabled within the meaning of Section 2 (1) sentence 1 of Social Code IX are people whose physical function, mental ability or mental health is expected to deviate from the typical condition for their age for more than six months and whose participation in society is therefore impaired. People are threatened by a disability if the impairment is to be expected (Section 2 (1) of the Social Code IX).

A further prerequisite is that the impairment is a significant disability that substantially impairs integration into society.