Independently classify water-polluting chemical substances
Umwelt und Klima
Anlagen, Waren und Stoffe
Abfall und Umweltschutz
If you or your company operate a facility in which chemical substances hazardous to water are handled, you must independently classify the substances used into a water hazard class (WGK) and notify the Federal Environment Agency.
Basic information
If you or your company operate a facility in which chemical substances hazardous to water are handled, you are obliged to independently assess all chemical substances that you use in your facilities and to
- into one of the water hazard classes (WGK)
- or as not hazardous to water.
You must then document this classification and submit it to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).
Chemical substances can be a hazard to water bodies. They must therefore be classified in water hazard classes according to their hazardousness:
- WGK 1: slightly hazardous to water (for example acetic acid, caustic soda, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide)
- WGK 2: clearly hazardous to water (e.g. heating oil, sodium hypochlorite, iodine)
- WGK 3: highly hazardous to water (e.g. waste oil, chlorinated hydrocarbons, benzene)
In addition, substances can also be classified as
- nwg: not hazardous to water, and
- awg: generally hazardous to water (e.g. liquid manure, fermentation substrates or certain solid mixtures such as waste)
You are exempt from this obligation if
- you use chemical substances whose hazardousness has already been assessed and the corresponding classification has been published in the Federal Gazette or
- you consider the chemical substances to be highly hazardous to water (WGK 3) regardless of their hazardousness or
- you use chemical substances whose classification as not hazardous to water or as generally hazardous to water is already specified by the Ordinance on Installations for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (e.g. foodstuffs or liquid manure, slurry and silage).
If you later have scientific findings that lead to a change in the published classification, you are obliged to document this immediately in writing to the Federal Environment Agency.
Note: Division IV 2.6 "Substances hazardous to water" at the Federal Environment Agency is responsible for the classification of substances in water hazard classes (WGK).
Your company operates a facility in which chemical substances or groups of substances are used or stored.
What documents do I need?
- Chemically unique substance name
- International CAS number or European EC number for chemical substances
- Hazard warnings
- Documentation of test results