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Have the amount of after-school care fees set


Parents' associations or private commercial providers:

  • Parents conclude a childcare contract with the facility. This determines the amount of the parental contribution.
  • Parents can apply to the parental contribution office for a subsidy towards the parental contribution.
  • Once the application and all required documents have been submitted, the subsidy is calculated.
  • The subsidy is paid out monthly. The parents receive a notification.
  • The subsidy for the parental contribution for after-school care must be applied for each year.

Day care:

  • Parents conclude a childcare contract with the childminder.
  • This person forwards the data to Pflegekinder in Bremen (PiB) and from there the Elternbeitragsstelle (EBS) receives the application.
  • The EBS will contact the parents and request all the necessary documents. As soon as everything is complete, the parental contribution will be calculated.
  • The fee is due monthly. The parents will receive a notification.
  • The contract with the childminder must be renewed every year.

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