GiB Gemeinsam in Bremen - Inter-agency coordination for voluntary work in the refugee sector
Wahlen, Engagement und Beteiligung
Contact search by e-mail or telephone to the responsible coordinator. If you cannot be reached by phone, the contact request will be left on an answering machine and you will be called back directly. After initial contact has been made, a joint appointment can be made to see where an assignment might be suitable.
More information
Responsible offices:
Coordinator for Bremen-Mitte
Laura Jacobs; Mail: ; Tel. 0157 809 23133
Covers the areas:
Hastedt; Mitte; Oberneuland; Östliche Vorstadt; Schwachhausen
Coordinator for Bremen-South
Thomas Strothoff; Mail: ; Tel. 0157-809 23 134
Includes the areas: Huchting; Neustadt; Obervieland; Seehausen; Strom; Woltmershausen
Coordinator for Bremen-North
Susanne weidemann; Mail: ; Tel. 0421-68804182
Covers the areas: Blumenthal; Burglesum; Vegesack
Coordinator for Bremen-East
Silvia Suchopar; Mail: ; Tel. 0157-8092 3136
Covers the areas: Borgfeld; Hemelingen; Horn-Lehe; Osterholz; Uni; Vahr
Coordinator for Bremen-West
Leander Muskalla; Mail: ; Tel. 0157-809 23 143
Includes the areas: Blockland; Findorff; Gröpelingen; Oslebshausen; Überseestadt; Walle
Comprehensive coordination
Lucyna Bogacki; Mail: ; Tel. 0421-79 02 43
You can find more information at ;