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File a complaint about statutory social security


  • Please submit your complaint in writing or by e-mail.
  • Upon receipt of your complaint by the competent supervisory authority, you will first receive a confirmation.
  • Subsequently, the social insurance agency concerned will be asked to comment on your complaint, if necessary.
  • The supervisory authority then examines the statement and all related documents for legal violations. Once the supervisory review has been completed, you will receive a response with the result of the review.

Legal bases

More information

The review of the complaint does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a substitute for an appeal or lawsuit.

The supervisory authority only takes action in the public interest. The competent supervisory authority is therefore not obliged to take action following a complaint.

If there is a violation of the law, the competent supervisory authority shall act to ensure that it is remedied by the statutory social security institution. However, the supervisory authority cannot make any decisions in place of the social insurance institution.

If the complainant seeks a change in the law, he or she must contact the competent federal ministry directly.

If the statutory social insurance agency covers more than three federal states, the Federal Social Security Office is responsible. If not, then as a rule the respective social ministry of the state.