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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Enter companies in the list of prequalified companies for public tenders in the construction sector

Enter companies in the list of prequalified companies for public tenders in the construction sector


You apply for prequalification at a prequalification body of the PQ Association. Once the application has been positively reviewed, the prequalification process begins, which ends with your company's entry in the official PQ-VOB directory.

The application can be submitted digitally via the online service developed for applying for prequalification or in writing directly to the prequalification body.

Online application:

  • To use the online application, call up the PQ portal. Then log in with your "My company account" based on ELSTER and start the prequalification application process. The system will guide you through the application process.

Written application:

  • On the website of the PQ Association you will find all selectable prequalification bodies.
  • Select one of them.
  • On their websites you will find an overview of the required documents.
  • Fill these out and attach all the required documents.
  • You can either send these to the prequalification body digitally or by post.

Your selected prequalification body will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

A contract must be concluded between your company and the prequalification body. This is prepared by the PQ body.

The prequalification bodies check whether the registration requirements have been met and request additional documents if necessary.

If all registration requirements are met, the PQ Association will enter you in the official PQ-VOB directory.

You will receive a prequalification number (PQ number).

In the case of public tenders, you must inform the contracting authority of this PQ number in your tender (e.g. on form 213 of the VHB Bund).

Legal bases

More information

There is another directory for companies in the supply and service sector. This register is called the Official Register of Prequalified Companies (AVPQ).

In addition, the Hessian Prequalification Register (HPQR) exists as an official register in which companies from the construction, supply and service sectors can be entered.

Legal remedy:

Appeals against the decision of the prequalification body can be lodged with the complaints committee of the PQ Association. The prequalification body can also appeal against decisions of the PQ Association to the Appeals Committee.

The complaints procedure is regulated in detail in the PQ Association's complaints regulations. Appeals have no suspensive effect against the respective decision.