Enter companies in the list of prequalified companies for public tenders in the construction sector
Ausschreibungen und öffentliche Aufträge
As a company in the main and ancillary construction sector, you can use the prequalification procedure to identify yourself to public contracting authorities and be entered in the official register of prequalified companies (PQ-VOB).
Basic information
In order to participate in public contracts, your company must prove that none of the legally defined formal grounds for exclusion apply.
Prequalification corresponds to certification with the difference that the validity is not confirmed by a certificate, but by the currently valid entry in the official PQ-VOB directory.
The entry in the official PQ-VOB register is regarded as proof of suitability, meaning that you only need to quote the PQ number each time you submit a tender. As a prequalified company, you have a presumption of suitability. This means that the evidence provided may not be called into question without justification.
As a company in the main construction and ancillary construction trades, you can apply for prequalification at one of the six prequalification offices of the PQ Association. The PQ Association manages the official PQ-VOB directory, issues the license to operate as a PQ body and assumes responsibility for technical supervision. It ensures a standardized prequalification procedure. After a final check by the selected prequalification body and the PQ Association, your company will be entered in the official PQ-VOB directory.
In order to maintain your prequalification, you will be notified by the prequalification body you have selected which certificates of suitability expire; you must submit these in good time or, in the case of some certificates, you can also instruct your prequalification body to do so.
In addition to the evidence required for prequalification, you can submit further evidence from the company. These can be viewed by the contracting authority as "additional evidence".
The documents checked by the prequalification bodies can only be viewed in the protected section of the official directory by those contracting authorities or their representatives who have registered with the PQ-Verein. However, the company details and pre-qualified service areas are generally accessible in the public section of the Official Directory.
The directory is updated daily.
- You or your company is active in the main or ancillary building trade.
- Your company can provide evidence of three completed financial years.
- You can prove your economic and financial capacity.
- You can prove your technical and professional capacity.
- You can prove that there are no general mandatory grounds for exclusion.
- You can prove that there are no general optional grounds for exclusion, e.g. past violations.
- For online applications: "My company account" based on ELSTER
What documents do I need?
- Self-declaration for the PQ procedure that there are no reasons for exclusion and that minimum wage is paid
- Self-declaration for the PQ procedure (turnover and share of turnover)
- Self-declaration for the PQ procedure (personnel)
- Self-declaration for the use of subcontractors
- Self-declaration that there are no entries in the central trade register and state corruption register
- Proof that there is no entry in the competition register
- Exemption certificate according to § 48 EstG (if applicable) or certificate in tax matters
- Business registration/trade license, extract from the commercial register or, if applicable, self-declaration
- Certificate of registration in the professional register of the company's registered office
- Clearance certificate from the collectively agreed social security fund or negative certificate
- Qualified clearance certificate from the employers' liability insurance association
- Declaration of consent for data processing and publication in the official directory
- 3 references per service area
- If there is a registered insolvency and a legally binding insolvency plan: Confirmation of insolvency administration pursuant to § 258 InsO
- If self-cleaning measures are to be taken into account: Documentation on the points of fact-finding, damage compensation, taking organizational, technical and personnel measures
You can find more detailed information in the guidelines on taking self-cleaning measures into account when awarding public construction contracts.
- If the company operates in an area where a business license is required: Business license