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Enrollment in a specialized secondary school

Would you like to apply for admission to a specialized secondary school in the municipality of Bremen?

The one-year and two-year programs of the Fachoberschule lead to the Fachhochschulreife, the one-year program Fachoberschule grade 13 leads to the Fachgebundene Hochschulreife and with proof of the second foreign language to the Allgemeine Hochschulreife.

Two-year specialized upper secondary school, grades 11 and 12:

The two-year Fachoberschule can be attended directly after completion of general education. In the first year, instruction is accompanied by practical training in a company, institution or school and imparts practical knowledge and skills. Instruction in the second year takes place on a full-time basis.

One-year specialized upper secondary school, grade 12:

Admission requirements for entry to the one-year specialized upper secondary school are the intermediate school leaving certificate and at least two years of completed vocational training relevant to the field of specialization or proof of relevant professional activity of at least five years. Instruction takes place on a full-time basis.

Fachoberschule, grade 13:

A grade 13 is established for particularly qualified graduates of the two-year Fachoberschule. It leads to a subject-linked higher education entrance qualification and, upon proof of the necessary knowledge of a second foreign language, to a general higher education entrance qualification. Instruction takes place on a full-time basis.


Two-year specialized secondary school, grades 11 and 12:

  1. the intermediate school leaving certificate
    a) with a grade point average of at least 3.3 in the subjects German, English and mathematics or
    b) of a school with subject performance differentiation in the subjects German, English and mathematics, which is acquired at the extended requirement level per subject with at least the grade "sufficient", at the basic requirement level per subject with at least the grade "satisfactory" and
  2. the submission of a contract for a suitable work placement if the practical training takes place outside the school, and
  3. participation in an internal school counseling interview.

One-year technical secondary school, grade 12:

  1. the intermediate school leaving certificate,
  2. proof of completed vocational training relevant to the subject
    a) of at least two years in a recognized or equivalently regulated training occupation in accordance with the Vocational Training Act or the Crafts Code or in a corresponding training occupation in public administration
  3. the final certificate of the vocational school must also be enclosed
  4. or
    b) corresponding training in a civil servant relationship or
    c) vocational training in accordance with state law with a state final examination,
  5. participation in an internal school counseling interview.

Vocational training may be replaced by relevant professional activity of at least five years in a recognized or equivalently regulated training occupation under the Vocational Training Act or the Crafts Code, or in a corresponding training occupation in public administration, or in an occupation regulated under state law.

One-year specialized secondary school, grade 13:

Final certificate of the two-year Fachoberschule (Fachhochschulreife) with a grade point average of at least 2.5; none of the subjects German, mathematics and English may show a grade of "deficient".

What documents do I need?

  • Admission form

    Completed admission form from the respective vocational school (usually available on the school's homepage).

  • Evidence in accordance with the applicable admission requirements