Einheitlicher Ansprechpartner
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If you want to do business or work in the state of Bremen, the website of the single point of contact will inform you about legal requirements and help you to complete administrative procedures quickly and easily online.
Basic information
Would you like to do business or work in Germany? Do you need information and advice on applications and would like to complete formalities easily and from a single source online? This is what the Single Point of Contact network is for!
As part of a Europe-wide network (EU/EEA), the Single Points of Contact provide business-friendly access to the administration. They provide information on the requirements for starting and running a business.
The Points of Single Contact network consists of electronic portals and personal contacts.
The services of the Single Points of Contact include
- Information on requirements and procedures for taking up and carrying out entrepreneurial activities in Germany, including associated fees and documents to be submitted
- Information on requirements and procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications in Germany, including associated fees and documents to be submitted
- Electronic processing of administrative procedures required for the commencement and pursuit of entrepreneurial or professional activities
- Target groups are founders, companies and applicants for recognition of professional qualifications in Germany, the EU/EEA and third countries.
As an EU citizen, you have a legal right to the services of the Point of Single Contact. This is regulated by the EU Services Directive and the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications.
In addition, the Points of Single Contact are an assistance and problem-solving service in accordance with the EU Regulation on a single digital gateway.
The single point of contact service can be used by
- Companies,
- Persons providing services,
- entrepreneurs and
- Persons who wish to have their professional qualifications recognized
- the Federal Republic of Germany,
- a member state of the European Union (EU) or
- a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA), currently
- Iceland,
- Liechtenstein or
- Norway.