Dog tax and new dog tax stamps 2022 to 2025
- Steuern und Abgaben
Frequently asked Questions
What are the fees/costs (for dog tax)?
150 EUR The dog tax is 150 Euro per dog and calendar year.
The administrative fee is 10.50 euros for the issuance of a dog tax replacement tag.
I have received the notice but no stamp. How do I get the missing stamp?
The missing brand can be requested in writing from the tax office .
I have lost the badge. What to do?
Telephone or write to the tax office to request a replacement dog tax tag.
There is a cost of 10.50 euros.
From when to when is the new brand valid?
From 0 Jan. 1, 2022 to at Dec. 31, 2025.
I have only one very small dog. My dog does not weigh much. Does this reduce the dog tax?
No, the dog tax is unchanged 150,00 Euro yearly .
I no longer go out of the house with my dog / my dog only does its business in the garden / I do not go out with my dog in public areas. Does this reduce the dog tax?
No, the dog tax remains unchanged at 150.00 euros per year.
I cannot pay the dog tax. What options do I have?
An application for deferral or remission can be made (see service description for "Remission of dog tax"). A waiver is not to be confused with a tax exemption and must be applied for anew each year (only valid for one year).
My dog has passed away, what should I do?
Notify the tax office in writing of the dog's date of death, attach the veterinarian's certificate, and return the dog license tag.
I have not received a dog tax notice and dog tax tag (moved). What to do?
If the notice has been sent to the old address, it will be returned to the tax office by the post office. As soon as the new address can be determined, the notice and stamp will be sent again. Please inform the dog tax office at the tax office of your new address!
I have received only one stamp, but I have a 2nd (or 3rd) dog. How do I get the 2nd or 3rd stamp?
If the 2nd or 3rd dog is registered (can be recognized by the dog tag numbers mentioned in the notice - there are then 2 or 3 numbers), please notify the tax office so that the 2nd or 3rd tag can be sent.
If the 2nd or 3rd dog has not yet been registered in writing, this must first be done (date of acquisition, name and address of the previous dog owner, if possible also a copy of the purchase contract).
What should be done if the dog has been sold or given away?
Notify the relevant tax office in writing of the date of transfer and the name and address of the recipient; in the case of sale - if possible - enclose a copy of the purchase agreement.
What about dog waste receptacles, dog waste bag dispensers and free-range areas?
With regard to the provision for dog waste bins, dog waste bag dispensers and free-range areas, please contact the environmental department responsible for this directly.
Link: The Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing.
How must the dog tax tag be carried?
Dog owners will be issued with a dog tax notice and a dog tax tag after registering a dog. The dogs must have a valid and visibly attached dog tax tag outside the house or enclosed property (=garden), see § 14 paragraph 1 of the Dog Tax Act.