Dementia Information and Coordination Centre (short: DIKS)
- Gesundheit und Vorsorge
The care and nursing of dementia patients is a difficult and responsible task.
Often this means extreme stress, since you are working "around the clock". Again and again new questions can arise, such as:how do I deal with a particular behavior or how can I change the dementia patients the best?
Basic information
The Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Women, Integration and Sport supports the DIKS - This is an independent dementia advice centre which offers help in answering all questions on the subject of "dementia" as well as information and free advice for relatives of people suffering from dementia.
Since October 2003, DIKS has been an independent dementia advice centre in Bremen.
The aim is to support and relieve relatives in their care and nursing. The aim is to ensure that the quality of life of the patients and their relatives is maintained as well as possible.