Crossing matters
Bauen und Immobilien
Do you need permission from the road authorities to use a road surface, such as footpaths, cycle paths or green spaces, with a vehicle on a crossing? You can apply for this permit from the Department of Roads and Traffic.
Basic information
According to Section 17 of the BremLStrG (Bremen State Roads Act), road surfaces that are not intended to accommodate general motor vehicle traffic, such as footpaths, cycle paths or green spaces, may only be used by vehicles on a crossing with the permission of the road construction authority.
The owner, heritable building owner or usufructuary of a property bordering the road is entitled to apply. If the property does not border on the road and is connected to it exclusively by a drivable access secured by public law via an adjoining property, the owner, the hereditary building owner or usufructuary of the rear property is also entitled to apply.
What documents do I need?
- Identity card, passport