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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Complaint against a violation of accessibility of digital services offered by public authorities

Complaint against a violation of accessibility of digital services offered by public authorities

Do you have problems using the digital services of a public body of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen or do you encounter technical barriers?
Have you contacted the provider and received no or only unsatisfactory answers? Then you can contact the Central Office for Barrier-Free Information Technology.

Digital websites and offers are accessible if they are perceptible, operable, understandable and robustly designed for people with disabilities. These 4 principles are taken from the WCAG 2.1 guidelines for accessible web content.
Disabled people are enabled to participate in digital life in a self-determined way if the services
- in the generally accepted manner,
- without any particular difficulty
- and can be found, accessed and used without the help of others
. The use of disability-related aids is permitted.

Digital appearances and offers are websites, applications for mobile devices and other apps as well as graphical program interfaces, such as information and service terminals and data carriers.
Accessible information technology also includes electronically supported administrative processes, including their procedures for electronic transaction processing and electronic file management.

If you encounter barriers in the digital presence and services of public bodies, you have the right to complain to the public body.


If you encounter problems and barriers with digital services provided by public bodies, please first contact the public body itself and ask for the barriers to be removed.

A complaint to the Central Office for Barrier-free Information Technology is possible if:

  • There has been no response from the public body within two weeks
  • The public body declares that a barrier-free design of parts of the website is disproportionate and you would like to have this checked
  • No satisfactory response has been given and the barrier still exists
  • No declaration of accessibility is available after 23.09.2020