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  • Dienstleistungen
  • Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

Company number for social security notifications assigned on request


Please apply for your company number electronically. You can submit the application yourself or instruct a third party to do so, for example a tax consultant.

  • Go to the online application on the Federal Employment Agency website.
  • Answer the initial questions in the selection fields and follow the online form through the rest of the application process.
  • In most cases, the company number will be assigned and displayed immediately.
  • In addition, the employer will receive a postal confirmation of the company number and the saved master data.

Note: If there are changes to the master data or the business closes, you must notify the Federal Employment Agency electronically without delay. As a rule, your payroll accounting software automatically triggers a corresponding notification to the Federal Employment Agency as soon as you enter the relevant changes in the master data.

Legal bases

More information

Please always use the company number of the company in which the employee concerned actually works in the social security notifications. If there are any changes to the company master data provided when submitting the application, please submit the correct information to the Federal Employment Agency electronically without delay by entering it in your payroll accounting program or using a completion aid. Incorrect use of the company number or late/failed notification of changes may constitute an administrative offense.