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  • Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

What deadlines must be paid attention to?

Special rule for companies subject to immediate registration: If your company belongs to one of the following sectors, you will need the establishment number for registration at the latest when the first employee starts work:
- Construction,
- Catering and accommodation,
- passenger transportation,
- freight forwarding, transportation and related logistics,
- the fairground industry,
- forestry,
- building cleaning industry,
- Companies involved in the construction and dismantling of trade fairs and exhibitions,
- meat industry
- prostitution industry,
- Guard and security industry
6 weeks As a rule: As an employer, you must report employment subject to compulsory insurance within 6 weeks of starting. You will need a company number by then at the latest.

How long does it take to process

In most cases, the company number is displayed immediately when you apply electronically.

What are the costs?
